The Yamuna Expressway is connected from Delhi to Agra. It was formally established on Thursday by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. The Yamuna Expressway was launched by Akhilesh Yadav over an online video from Lucknow. Plots in Yamuna Expressway , are of utmost magnetism in Delhi and NCR Real Estate Market. People can invest in Yamuna Expressway as per their requirements, and it would be best compared with residential and commercial apartments. As well as it is quite affordable for people who want to invest in it, it is a great opportunity for future ambition. There are many projects of the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority with great facilities, such as Authority Plots , Gaur Yamuna City, Jaypee Yamuna Vihar, Logix Empire Estate, Jaypee Green Homes, Jaypee Krown, Sunworld City, Supertech Up Country, Etc . moreover, the average rate of Plots in the Yamuna Expressway is 3,238 per sq. ft in Greater Noida. These are few projects, you can inves...